Sergio Morales
Sergio Morales is the Director of the Mexican Institute of Schema Therapy, the first Schema Therapy Trainer in Mexico. He is certified in Schema Therapy for Children and Adolescents and has also received training in Group and Couples Schema Therapy. He holds master’s degrees in Multidisciplinary Addiction Prevention and Treatment, as well as Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention, and he has earned a Ph.D. in Training and Education. With over 11 years of experience as a Psychotherapist specializing in addiction treatment in Mexico, he has served as a speaker at ISST Summits and delivered lectures in Mexico and throughout Latin America. Sergio is fluent in Spanish and is also proficient in English and Portuguese. Furthermore, he has provided training to professionals in addiction treatment in Mexico, Peru, Brazil, Ecuador, Argentina, and other Latin American countries.
Understanding the Wise Mode: Group Work with Children and Adolescents.
This presentation introduces a transformative program for children and adolescents, designed to help patients understand and apply the Wise Mode. This unique approach is based on a variety of therapeutic techniques, including imagination exercises, limited reparenting, drawing activities, transitional objects, and creative chair work. A crucial aspect of this program is the incorporation of drawing and transitional objects to strengthen the Wise Mode. By creating a safe and nurturing space, participants can guide patients to reconnect with their inner child, a part of themselves that is often neglected or wounded over time….